Illuminator · Author · Artist · Calligrapher · Tutor

I’m one of the few remaining professional illuminators now practising this endangered craft in the UK and author of Contemporary Illumination for the Calligrapher and Artist: Traditional Techniques Reinterpreted, published by The Crowood Press in 2024. You can read some of the reviews here.
I teach internationally and am currently illuminator at Lincoln Cathedral.

‘THE best book about gilding! A very comprehensive guide to methods, mordants and metals, with an utterly divine gallery of works by Toni Watts throughout. A fantastic book and definitely a must have for anyone wishing to include gilding in their work.’
Josie Brown, The Calligraphy and Lettering Arts Society Academic Standards Board

I create new work using traditional techniques and hand prepared, exquisite natural materials. These include mineral and earth pigments, plant pigments from my garden, traditional handcrafted inks, vellum, 24 carat gold leaf, oak panels and gemstones such as sapphires and pearls. Whilst I specialise in manuscript illumination I also draw with metalpoint (right) and paint in egg tempera on pure gesso water gilded panels (left).